Monday, July 30, 2007

First blog

I've been struggling for a long time about whether or not I want to start my own little blog. I am not really a word person. It's ok for me to write a few words here and there, but it's better for me to just use images. I do, however, love the idea of sharing interesting things that happened in my life with my family and friends, no matter where they are. So here I am, posting my very first blog.

I have just had a new patio put in, and now I've caught the gardening bug. Here are some babies I got yesterday from Home Depot: purple coneflower, hardy hibiscus, sedum, and annual salvia. I LOVE those hardy hibiscus; their flowers are huge. I am planning to put them in containers so I can look at them up and close on the patio. They make me so happy! I just wish the weather is not so muggy so I can sit out there for a longer time. :)

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